Add Comment Sample Project
Hi everyone, Today I am going to develop simple "Add Comment" project. I use following code to
show comment icon.
IconButton comment = IconButton( iconSize: 35.0, icon: Icon(Icons.chat_bubble_outline,color: Colors.grey), onPressed: ()=> _commentButtonPressed(),);
return ListTile(
leading: comment, )
Github Link : CommentScreen extends StatefulWidget { final String postId; const CommentScreen(document, this.postId); @override _CommentScreenState createState() => _CommentScreenState( postId: this.postId, ); } class _CommentScreenState extends State<CommentScreen> { final String postId; final TextEditingController _commentController = TextEditingController(); _CommentScreenState({this.postId}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text( "Comments", style: TextStyle(color:, ), backgroundColor: Colors.white, ), body: buildPage(), ); } Widget buildPage() { return Column( children: [ Expanded( child: buildComments(), ), Divider(), ListTile( title: TextFormField( controller: _commentController, decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Write a comment...'), onFieldSubmitted: addComment, ), trailing: FlatButton(onPressed: (){addComment(_commentController.text);},child: Text("Post"),), ), ], ); } Widget buildComments() { return FutureBuilder<List<Comment>>( future: getComments(), builder: (context, snapshot) { if (!snapshot.hasData) return Container( alignment:, child: CircularProgressIndicator()); return ListView( children:, ); }); } Future<List<Comment>> getComments() async { List<Comment> comments = []; QuerySnapshot data = await Firestore.instance .collection("/posts") .document(postId) .collection("comments") .getDocuments(); data.documents.forEach((DocumentSnapshot doc) { comments.add(Comment.fromDocument(doc)); }); return comments; } addComment(String comment) { _commentController.clear(); Firestore.instance .collection("/posts") .document(postId) .collection("comments") .add({ "username": 'Kusal', "comment": comment, "timestamp":, "userid": '5', }); } } class Comment extends StatelessWidget { final String username; final String userId; final String comment; final String timestamp; Comment( {this.username, this.userId, this.comment, this.timestamp}); factory Comment.fromDocument(DocumentSnapshot document) { return Comment( username: document['username'], userId: document['userId'], comment: document["comment"], timestamp: document["timestamp"], ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( children: <Widget>[ ListTile( title: Text(comment), subtitle: Text(username), ), Divider(), ], ); } }
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