
Showing posts from August, 2016

Software Development Process Models

1.Waterfall Model This was the first process model and it is very easy to understand and use. In this model, you should finished the previous phase completely and moving to next phase. At the end of each phase, there is a testing to know whether the project is going right way or not. After this testing, the project is decided to continue or discard. This type use for, Small and permanent projects Clear requirements Static technology Enough resource and expertise Advantages Easy to understand and use Easy to manage Phase complete at one time Quality and cost control for each step Separation of tasks Process appearance Disadvantages Cannot go back Not suitable for complex, long and on-going projects High risky and unclear 2.Evolutionary Development Model In this model, there are many Software Development Life Cycles. Each cycle has a feedback from customer. Here develop the core module first and build next modules on that....

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Software Development Life Cycle is a step by step structure in software engineering to develop the software product. The aim of an SDLC process is helping to develop a software with cost- efficient, effective and high quality. There are six phases in SDLC. Feasibility – This is not including to SDLC but this is very important to develop a project. After defining the problem, we must check the feasibility. In this, we check whether the system is feasibility to technical, operational and economical. 1.Requirement gathering and analysis In this phase, we collect all the possible requirements for developing the project and documented in a requirement specification doc. 2.System Design In this phase, we study the requirement specification doc and design the system. This helps us to define overall system architecture. 3.Implementation In this phase, we code the software as small units. Each unit is developed and tested in this. 4.Integration a testi...

Internaut Day

All the fans of World Wide Web (WWW) are celebrated the Internaut Day on 23 th August. This day is the birthday of WWW. World Wide Web is designed and developed by the computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee at CERN laboratories in Switzerland and he introduced special key technologies about URL (Uniform Resources Locator), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) in 1990. The WWW was opened to the world on August 23, 1991. The term Internaut is made from a combination of Internet and Astronaut. WWW is a service of the internet. Internet gives the network that carries information. WWW gives the space to store information on this network. It uses web pages and documents for this work. After introducing WWW, everybody can use Internet without technical knowledge. Using Internet becomes a simple and quick thing. Anybody can connect to the internet without intercession of government. Anybody can create web sites and host them. Anybody can uplo...

Database Management System (DBMS)

Database is a collection of data and Database Management System (DBMS) is a collection of programs which manage the database. These programs use to control access to the data and maintain the database structure. Advantages of DBMS 1.Controlling Data Redundancy                In DBMS, a data is stored in only one file and it is not duplicated. 2.Sharing of Data                In DBMS, authorized users can access data in the same time using various devices. The      distance does not a matter and easy to share data simultaneously. 3.Data Consistency                In DBMS, data cannot be updated simultaneously. Because of this, data does not duplicate.    4.Integration of Data (Incorporation)              In DBMS, It is easy to represent and update relationships between data tables. Data can...

Object Oriented Programming

All are things in the world are objects. We can identify these things easily but we don’t care about their inside. This is the fact to introduce Object Oriented Programming. In a program, we can use a system as an object. It is easy to solve problems in programming because object abstracts the entire thing and represent as a unit. In an object, data are covered by methods. So other objects cannot connect with data directly. There are some features in this Object Oriented Programming.       We can divide a program to many objects.        We can add new data and methods easily on the time.        Data are hidden and external things cannot connect with them.        Data highlight than process. Basic Concepts of object oriented programming 1. Object and Class Object: Object is the thing which we can see and touch. In the programming these are the basic units. An object has three parts. ...

UML Introduction

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is introduced by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and Jim Rumbaugh in late 1990’s. UML is not a development language. It is a designing language. We can use this only designing part of the program. This use for, 1.   Specifying 2.   Visualizing 3.   Constructing 4.   Documenting       Uses of UML       Create a model of software to represent the customer using this language       Easy to increase quality in the software         Easy to convert any programming language         Easy to understand         Encourage the transformation of Object Oriented tool market         Tally with high level concept        Always help to develop qualitative software    Relationships in UML In UML, we can connect the things physically or logically using three kinds of rel...